Privacy Policy


MMP Lawyers (we, us, our) complies to the highest standard with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 (the Act) and the Privacy Principles in its dealings with personal information as it relates to our clients or other individuals. We also treat any applicable personal information in line with the Health Information Privacy Code 2020.

We care deeply about the information you share with us, and these are the rules by which we operate in relation to your information.

Personal information is information which can used to identify an individual (i.e., a natural person) and as an agency, we collect and store personal information to operate as a lawful business within New Zealand.

This policy outlines how we will collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information and does not limit or exclude any privacy rights you may have in the Act or at common law.

Further information on your privacy rights can be found below:

By providing your personal information to us on our website and our services, you are consenting to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of that information as set out in this Privacy Policy.

Changes to this policy

This policy may change from time to time; if we update this policy, we reserve the discretion to advertise this change or access on our website or through other communication mediums.  

How we collect your personal information 

We collect personal information about you from: 

You, when you provide personal information to us. This may include your IP when you visit our website, any information from or when you contact us by phone, electronic or digital means This includes name, address, email address, date of birth, gender, bank details and personal health information if provided to us.  In addition, we may record you on our video surveillance systems if you visit any of our clinic sites, as we are required to under our regulatory licenses or at law.  

Third parties, where you have authorised this or it is the most practicable way to collect your personal information. 

The public sphere, where personal information is available publicly and it helps in the provision of our supply of products and services to you, then we will collect it to the extent required to operate in our ordinary course of business  

Where possible, we will always collect your personal information from you.

Collection over the internet 

While we take reasonable steps to maintain secure internet connections, if you provide us with personal information over the internet, the provision of that personal information to us is at your own risk.  
We also use cookies to monitor your use of our website – you may disable cookies in your browser settings, but this may impair your experience of our website.  

We are not responsible for any transient capture of your personal information if you arrive at our website from another agency’s website.


To keep track of what information is transferred to your computer, websites place small pieces of information on your hard drive called cookies. Most browsers accept cookies. Cookies are used on our website so you can access it more easily. However, you cannot be identified personally by cookies, only by your browser. Cookie data helps us determine how our site is used and how many customers we have. You may disable cookies in your browser by adjusting the settings. This may mean that you will not be able to fully utilise our website. 

Google Cookies

MMP Lawyers uses Google Advertising.  By using the Ads Preferences Manager, you can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads. 

It is possible that our website may contain links to other websites not affiliated with MMP Lawyers. Please note that we have no control over the privacy or security obligations of these sites and recommend you review that website’s cookie policy before you visit that website.

Why we collect your personal information 

We collect your personal information in order to operate, as a part of our ordinary course of business, in the provision of supply of products and services to New Zealand individuals and entities.  For example, to action or respond to your inquiry, to administer, evaluate and improve the site, and to improve our services.  We only disclose your personal information for the operation and maintenance of law and only to the extent required.

Disclosing your personal information

We will never disclose personal information subject to legal privilege. However, where legal privilege does not attach to personal information, we must disclose in certain circumstances such as by the operation of law (e.g. the Inland Revenue or New Zealand Courts) or by an authority within the Act or any other Act.

Where we are required to disclose your personal information by the operation of law, to the extent possible, we will redact and withhold all personal information outside the scope of the request.  

Disclosing your personal information

How we store your personal information

For any other purposes connected with the operation and supply of our products and services within New Zealand.

We handle large amounts of personal information, so it is necessary to use unique identifiers to catalogue within our data systems. Our unique identifiers are just that, unique and we will take reasonable steps to change any identifier which is used by another agency where possible.

Privacy Officer  

Alexander Alan Reith, is the Privacy Officer for MMP Lawyers as an agency under the Act.

How you can request, access or correct your personal information  

We take your privacy seriously therefore we will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information we hold against misuse, loss or unauthorised access or disclosure.

When we hold your personal information, we commit to a transparent process around your access and the continuing authenticity of your personal information 

You have the right to:

If your request for access falls within the scope of any of the grounds of refusal within Part 4 of the Act, then we will redact the information only to the extent necessary to protect those other interests 

If your request for correction is reasonable and we are able to change your personal information, we will make that correction as soon as we practicably are able to do so.

Depending on the volume of personal information we hold, or the medium it occupies, it may take time for access, replication or correction of that personal information.  We ask you for your patience in these situations.

In your request for access or correction, please provide evidence of your identification and the details of your privacy request. We reserve the discretion to require additional information to prove your identity.

To request access or correction of your personal information, simply contact:

The General Data Protection Rules and how they relate to this policy

MMP Lawyers will handle personal information lawfully in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Rules (GDPR) where necessary and applicable. Where personal information constitutes “personal data” from individuals within the European Economic Area (EEA) and it is captured within the ambit of the GDPR, we will only collect on legal grounds to the extent necessary, and only with positive and active consent, and to perform any lawful function or contracts we may have, or otherwise where we have a legitimate interest in the information collected. You also have additional rights as an individual within the EEA in certain circumstances such as withdrawal of consent, portability of your data to third parties, to object us processing your personal data and the right to erasure (i.e. the right to be forgotten).

To discuss any issues about your personal data and our collection and processing procedure, simply contact:

How we maintain this policy  

This policy will be updated yearly [see policy control] and on an ad-hoc basis where major privacy developments in law or guidance render any part of this policy redundant or ineffective.  

Privacy concerns 

If you believe your privacy has been breached or if you have concerns about your private information held with us, you can contact us on:

If you do not agree with a decision regarding access to your personal informationTo manage such issues, our organisation has an internal dispute resolution process for complaints, and we would like to hear from you in the first instance to help.  

We will review your concerns about your privacy and if we cannot resolve it, you may contact the Privacy Commissioner, either by phone on 0800 803 909 or by mail to P.O Box 466, Auckland 1140. 

Document control

Version  Revision details  Revision Date  Author  Privacy Officer Approval (Alex) | date 
1.0a  Draft 28/06/2024 William Rasburn & Rocque White  
1.0a  Final 05/07/2024 Alexander Alan Reith APPROVED